Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Premature ejectulation (first stage)

A trancified Chuck Todd.
Originally uploaded by Grace Nearing.
Hardball With Chris Matthews (MSNBC)

Good God these people never take a break. They just never stop. It's only the first week in March 2005; George W. Bush was sworn in for his second term a mere 6 weeks ago. But here's Chris Matthews braying about his scoop on the 2008 election.

A HARDBALL exclusive that will shake up the 2008 presidential race. I'm reporting tonight, as I have had already, Al Gore is not running for president.

As we all well know, the time from now until the 2008 presidential race begins in earnest spans several political eternities (running consecutively). All this braying is totally meaningless.

Nevertheless, if you suspect that Social Security fatigue has set in among your viewers and that the friendly-fire killing of the chief of the Italian foreign intelligence service just isn't sexy enough ratings-wise, then there's only one thing to do.

Okay. But there's no excuse for doing it so excruciatingly badly.

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, Chuck, Gore out, does that surprise you?

I thought that he, considering what--how he won, in his mind, in 2000, and how John Kerry lost, and how John Kerry lost, some of this on the values stuff--Tipper Gore, she was talking about this in the 80s.

MATTHEWS: Oh, about the bad words on radios.

TODD: About moral values and the bad words.

MATTHEWS: Demonic words and all that stuff.

TODD: It all felt like there was this whole sort of...

MATTHEWS: She was ahead of her time.

TODD: ... Nixon-esque thing, the new Gore in 2008.


TODD: Would have been--and when you--when you started thinking about anti-Hillary candidates and anti-Clinton candidates, really, there was only one guy you could think of that could be of her same equal. And that was Al Gore.

Okay. When you're done unscrambling that, move on to the next spasm of free-association.

TODD: There was room for this anti- and, in a weird way, even though [Gore's] such an establishment-looking figure, he was anti-establishment when it came to this field. (CROSSTALK)

MATTHEWS: And he could have been the populist voice of the Democratic Party. In other words, Hillary would be positioning herself in the center, a little bit blah, blah, blah, a little bit boring.... But, still, it's hard to beat Hillary now, isn't it?

TODD: It is. And the Democratic Party--this would have been a bloody, ugly battle. I mean, this would have been...

MATTHEWS: It would have been personal.

TODD: It would have been personal. That's exactly it, because Al Gore believes he lost the presidency for one reason, Bill Clinton.

MATTHEWS: Bill Clinton blew it.

TODD: Bill Clinton's libido, yes.

Are you at all surprised? But wait, there's more arousal to come in Premature ejectulation (second stage).

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